That´s english boys!!

Sorry for de delate boys We haven´t got much time!

15 respuestas a That´s english boys!!

  1. Autir Agatha dijo:

    JAKJAJAJA COMO LE HACEN se hacen los comentarios ingles !

  2. Gati 262 dijo:

    Is ver, very (too) stranger this page because is the first page of Mungo Gaturro in English!! Congratualtions!

  3. Autir Agatha dijo:

    I speak English as well to see if you can translate my message

  4. Gatumiss dijo:

    do not speak english, what???????

  5. Autir Agatha dijo:

    lol That way I do not speak English besides English is far from my area of ​​the school day: D

  6. KLABO MG dijo:

    :s no entiendo el ingles

  7. magi998 dijo:

    ehh que estan diciendo????

  8. hi friends do not speak much English but I speak Italian

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